At one point last semester, I suffered painful headaches. These were the worst headaches of my life. I thought they would depart like always. After a few days, they still lingered. My only choice was to visit the campus doctor. During the visit, we learned I was suffering from migraines. I thought: Migraines? I never had those before. Anyway, we also discovered the root of the problem. My allergy medicine caused me to become tired, which led to the headaches. I stopped taking the allergy medicine and began taking Ibuprofen (the doctor’s suggestion) for the headaches. Since then, there’s been no trace of migraines.
Students, don’t try to heal on your own. When you feel sick, visit your campus’ medical office. The doctors are just as qualified as your doctors back home. They’re here to help you. So what if they fail to cure you completely. The least they’ll do is provide you with medication. Their medication is likely a better treatment than what you have. If they don’t have a cure, they’ll refer you to better help. Either way, you’ll get assistance.
Flu seasons are the worst. Students inherit the flu and let it wear off. One of my friends had the flu a couple of weeks ago. He said he didn’t go to the nurse. I thought he was crazy. If I had the flu, I’d be in the doctor’s office once I came down with it. All students should have this mentality. It’s not good to let the flu linger and spread to others. Even if you don’t want medical treatment, do it for others. Students frequently come to class coughing and sneezing. Me being paranoid, I lose concentration because I’m focusing on ways to avoid catching whatever that person has. I’m pretty sure other students feel the same way.
Pride is one reason students don’t visit a doctor/nurse. They feel college is a chance to display independence. They figure they’ll be their own parent and treat whatever sickness they have on their own. Most students don’t even bring an Advil to school; so what makes them think they can cure themselves?
The doctor’s office is on campus. You don’t have to take a 20-minute drive to see him/her. If you feel like crap, that should motivate you to take the short walk to the office. It’s better to be safe than sorry. I learned that lesson during my last visit. If not for that visit, who knows what the unknown migraines could’ve lead to?
So, do yourselves a favor and get treatment. Suffering is not cool.
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